The is alive to the problems
afflicting the world. Particularly, that they may be surmounted if we all cooperate.

Given the specialty of , the way in which we shoulder
our environmental, social, and responsible corporate governance duties is by performing
activities defending said ideals and by supporting organizations of civil society which
perform activities consistent with the values and ideals of .

Therefore, those who entrust their problems to
can be confident that they are collaborating social and environmental social and
corporate governance values.

Examples of organizations supported by are:

- Unidos por el Arte contra el Cancer Infantil, A.C.,
an organization dedicated to fighting cancer in children.

- Asociación B Lomas, an organization dedicated to supporting children
in need in Santa Fe, Mexico City.

- Dispensario Médico Tonanzin, A.C., a medical alliance in the State of Mexico
dedicated to providing medical services to persons in need.

- Animate a Estudiar, A.C., which fosters education of children in need.

- Mexicanos Unidos contra la Corrupción, A.C., salient organization fighting against
corruption inter alia by journalistic research.

- Fundación Barra Mexicana: an organization of civil society dedicated to rendering
legal services to persons in need and with legal problems, without the financial possibility of
hiring an attorney, as well as fighting for the Rule of Law.